i.MX23 processor & WinCE

Category: i.MX23

Freescale provides a great support for BSP and hardware development for it's processors like i.MX23 etc. The documentation, reference manuals and BSP usually suffices all requirements.
But there are certain points which are taken granted and new developers suffer allot with it. Once the things are discovered then everything becomes simple :)
1. WinCE solutions
MX233 provides a complete BSP support for WinCE development. Along with this BSP they provide three sample solutions for WinCE 6.0.
a. iMX233-EVK-PDK1_8-Mobility
This solution has capability of exploring all the capabilities of i.MX233 EVK.
b. iMX233-EVK-PDK1_8-SmallFootprint
As name suggests it's built for small OS footprint
c. iMX233-EVK-PDK1_8-UUT
This build is to be used with Freescale's manufacturing tool. This is a WinCE kernel which communicates with manufacturing tool for programming NAND or SD card.
2. Manufacturing tool:
Freescale developed this tool so that layman in factory can program the i.MX233 based boards without need of any WinCE machine.
Some basic information for using this tool:
a.MX233 USB boot:
This processor connects in USB HID mode so called "ROM Recovery" mode if no suitable boot device is detected. The ROM boot-loader in processor is capable of handling a special communication sequence using which program can be downloaded. 
See following file for reference:
b. Manufacturing tool 
This tool takes a xml file as an input. 
See following files for reference: WINCE600\SUPPORT_PDK1_8\TOOL\iMX233EVK\UUT\Profiles\FWUpdater\WinCEUpdate\ucl.xml 
and WINCE600\SUPPORT_PDK1_8\TOOL\iMX233-EVK\UUT\Universal update tool user guide.txt 
The uce.sb file is nothing but nk.sb generated from iMX233-EVK-PDK1_8-UUT solution.
